Himalaya Darshan Treks Blog

Himalaya Darshan Treks Blog provides free travel information about Trekking, Hiking, Tours, Peak Climbing, Jungle safari as well as all travel activities in Nepal. We hope it will be very helpful to manage and plan your holiday travel in Nepal. We always try to give the right and useful information.

Friday, August 9, 2019

Dolpo Region Trekking

Dolpo Region Treks
Upper Dolpo Trek
Dolpo Region Trekking is one of the most popular trekking regions in Western Nepal. It lies in the Dolpa district in the Karnali zone. There are two parts to it. They are Lower Dolpo and Lower Dolpo. Upper Dolpo Trek is a restricted and deserted area of Nepal. Dolpo is the largest area along with Shey-Phoksundo National Park which is the largest national park in our country Nepal.
Dolpo is a famous valley with fascinating villages, as well as it is famous for its mysteries, scenery, and peace. 

Dolpo Region Treks, Upper Dolpo Trek
Shey Gompa (Monastery)
There are more than 130 old and historical monasteries and Gompas. Rivers, perfect stunning mountain views, adventure high passes, wildlife, Shey-Gompa, and Shey-phoksundo Lakes are the highlights of the Dolpo region. It is also surrounded by unique cultures and traditions like Bhotiya culture and Bon Po Monasteries.
The famous trekking trail of this region is Upper Dolpo Trek, Lower Dolpo Trek, Shey-Phoksundo Valley Trek, and finally Rara Lake Trek.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Langtang Region Treks

Lang tang Region Treks
Kyanjing Gompa Lang tang Valley Trek
Langtang Region Trekking has drawn a lot of adventure travelers to explore its natural treasures. It lies in the northern part of Kathmandu, covered with snow peaks, and a mild climate-friendly hospitable inhabitant which makes it the ideal trek almost year-round. Langtang National Park hosts a variety of natural splendors, from lush valleys alive with languor monkeys to the towering fir as well as Rhododendron forests bursting with spring color. Lama and Tamang's people maintain a rich cultural heritage, evident in ornately carved wooden windows, lively dance festivals, and skilled weaving traditions.

Lang tang Region Treks
Lang tang Gosaikunda Lake
Langtang Region Trekking offers a wonderful combination of landscapes- abundant with rare wildlife and varied floral diversities. You can enjoy seeing this beautiful scenery while trekking. Treks range in difficulty from moderate to challenging. All trailheads are accessible by bus or private transport from Kathmandu. Overall the entire route, Langtang, Gosaikunda Lakes, and Helambu area trek goes further from Syabrubensi up to the Kyanjing Gompa and a few trekkers scale the Challenging Ganja La Pass.

Lang tang Region Treks
Incredible view from Gosaikunda Trek
Some of the specialties of Langtang Region Treks are the Langtang village excursion, exclusive Kyangin Gompa view, Yak Cheese Factory, Langtang glacier sights, Langtang Lirung expedition, Ganesh Himal and Manaslu. Day hiking to Tsergo Ri 4,984m, visit holy Lake Gosainkunda, Cross Lauribina La Pass (4,610m) Sherpa Culture at Helambu. Major Highlighted trekking destinations in this region are Langtang Valley Trek, Helambu Cultural Trek, and Langtang Gosaikunda Trek, Tamang Heritage Trail Trek.